Here’s Why I’m Sick and Tired of The “A Book Is A Business Card” Mentality

Craig Stanland
3 min readJan 3, 2023

I’m working on my second book, which I have been working on for the past year, and change.

I catch flack from people in my life that I take too long to write a book that the odds are against it becoming a massive best-seller that will provide a substantial ROI for the time I invest in its creation.

A book, to me, is more than a tool, a funnel, or a business card.

It’s more than something I can leverage for bigger and “better” opportunities.

It’s more than a placard that I’ll hang on a virtual wall to establish “thought leadership.”

Viktor Frankl once asked his students what the meaning of life is.

He had written his own answer on a piece of paper, and after some quiet reflection, and much to his surprise, one of the students answered,

“The meaning of your life is to help others find the meaning of theirs.”

To which Frankl responded,

“That was it, exactly.”

That statement is the epitome of why I write, develop, and craft the written work I share.

It’s why I write a million words, only to edit it down to 50K.



Craig Stanland

From corporate success to federal prison, I share my journey to rediscover joy, meaning, and purpose. Join me in reinventing your extraordinary second act!