Member-only story
The Power of Sharing Your Story
Storytelling is one of the most powerful forces of our shared human experience. Don’t believe me?
Hold a coin or a paper bill in your hand. This quote from Yuval Noah Harari expresses this beautifully,
“Money, in fact, is the most successful story, ever invented and told by humans, because it is the only story everybody believes. Not everybody believes in God, not everybody believes in human rights, not everybody believes in nationalism, but everybody believes in money.”
Your story is more powerful than you realize, and I encourage you to share it, especially at this time of year when many suffer from depression.
We’re all unique, and our stories are all unique.
But the emotions behind your story? That’s where we connect as humans, and this is why your story matters.
My story revolves around going to federal prison, losing everything, including myself, and planning how I would end my own life.
There are probably not many of you who have experienced prison, and to those who have reached out to me who have — I applaud your courage in sharing.
It’s impossible if you haven’t been to prison to understand the experience fully. You can’t.