The Top 10 Books That Helped Me Reinvent My Life After Prison: Part 1

Craig Stanland
2 min readJun 22, 2022

I began my reinvention in federal prison.

Not the most auspicious place, but it’s where I was, and there wasn’t much I could do about it.

Accepting my circumstance was a form of freedom; within that freedom, I saw an opportunity.

There’s plenty of time in prison, and I was fortunate; our library was chock full of books.

I could learn from others, and I had access to a plethora of virtual mentors to choose from.

Over the next few months, I’ll be sharing the books that were instrumental in my reinvention in a series titled:

“The Top 10 Books That Helped Me Reinvent My Life After Prison.”

Number 1

“Choose Yourself” by James Altucher

Where I 1st read it: Otisville Federal Prison

My Top 3 Takeaways:

  • If I allowed it, a federal conviction could have been a scarlet letter hanging around my neck for the rest of my life. It could have been a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. “Choose Yourself” showed me that I could transform that obstacle into an opportunity.
  • Writing down 10 ideas a day cultivates joy, creativity, confidence, and self-trust. Sharing those…



Craig Stanland

From corporate success to federal prison, I share my journey to rediscover joy, meaning, and purpose. Join me in reinventing your extraordinary second act!